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>> more about theatre crimmitschau
the glashaus at the arena-area: a complex of buildings in 20th-century style - is located directly at the spree and suits with it's unconventional style and industrial charme good to essence. beside such live-events and many other performances, even robert de niro has celebrated a movie premiere here.
the after show party starts 11:30pm at the glashaus- foyer.
the last essence-night 2009 in leipzig is also located in an individual location like the others. in the theatre-factory- saxony, gdr-modernity and baroque elements affiliate with comfortableness and fable-atmosphere. together with the essence-show and the pre-chistmas period, we'll get to know an other world:)
the after-show-party start at 11pm at the theatre-foyer.
essence by car: CLICK HERE (pdf) essence by train: CLICK HERE (pdf)